martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Extra Class: Olive Oil.


To present the warm up stage, students were asked to get in pairs, Teacher Wendy gave students some pieces of paper and markers, they should  put the page above their partner's head and make the drawing that teacher Wendy said.

Besides that,for the Presentation stage, students were given with a worksheet about vocabulary that they had to complete by matching a word with the meaning that they thought. Then, students had to shared their answers. After this, teacher explained the vocabulary that was unknown.

To present the During stage, Teacher Juan gave a text  and a worksheet about Olive Oil, students were asked to read the text. Moreover, students had to complete the questions in the worksheet and shared the answer with the class.

After this, Teacher Fernando and Jeannette wrote on the board four stages: The beginning, Benefits, Uses, and The future. According with text that were given to the students that had already read, they should write one of the stages previously presented in a blank page. Besides that, students must passed to the front to explain the stage that we were asked to complete.

To sum up, students were asked to stand up and to make a circle. Teacher gave them some flashcards with disordered spelling of the vocabulary and students had to guess the word.

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