lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015


Teaching class by Teacher Karla & Teacher Abigail.

 This topic was presented by Teacher Karla & Teacher Abigail. The classed started with T karla who presented a game call "Puzzle", where students should create a figure of a Transportation in a puzzle, T Karla gave 2 puzzle to the students who tried to form the picures of each puzzl. When Ss finished T Karla gave some chocolates as gift.
NOTE: In my opinion, I really like this activity since, it was very entertained & also because it gave us an idea about was going to be the class.

Then Teacher presented the topic Transportation, where she pasted 6 different pictures of Transportation; First, she asked students if they knew the spelling of each transportation, then T Aby repeated twice each pictur, pasting the correct spelling according with the picture. Moreover, T Aby presented a question that was "How do you get to school"? she explained that we had to take a picture of Transportation & ask to another classmate the question "How do you get to school"? where the Ss was going to answer,  for example: I get school by plane. Ss needed to do this twice.
NOTE: This activity was so good, maybe because the teacher explained very well the topic & also because the images were adapted to understand the topic, although in my opinion I couldn't understand at the beginning what we needed to do with the question and how we needed to answer according with the topic, because she forgot explain that.

T Karla presented a game where she created two lines of students, T Karla gave them a name of transportation & every time that Ss got a point they had to move a Transportation where was on the board represented with a street, also one student needed to run to the board & write the correct word as fast as possible, the winner got chocolates.
NOTE: This activity was interesting & funny for me, because Ss could adquire and recognized each Transportantion playing a game.

T Aby presented her last activity which was to make groups or pairs, each group had an envelope, which Ss had to open & take all the little flashcards & put it face down, one student needed to take one little flashcard & the partner should ask him or her How do you get to school, & the student who had taken the picture needed to answer; for example: I get to school by _________ according to the picture that he/she had. Each studnet needed to do it at least two times.
NOTE: The activity was useful & I think that was good for students to remember the names of Transportation.

At the end of the class, T Karla presented a worksheet where students needed to fill in the blank the corresponding spelling of each Transportation. When Ss finished, T karla gave them a feedback to verify if the spelling was correctly wrote on the blank.

NOTE: It was so intersting because with this activity, Ss could adquire & put into practice what they have learned in the class.


Teaching class by Teacher Karla & Teacher Nahomí.

This class was presented by Teacher Karla & Nahomí. T Nahomí began the class with a song called "Bingo" that was presented by a chart pasted on the board. T Nahomí started singing the song alone, teaching the rythm & the lyrics, at the second time T Nahomí asked Ss to sing the song with her. T & Ss sang the song twice.
NOTE: This activity it's useful to use with children because they like to enjoy the moment singing & clapping at the same time, but in my opinion I would like that this activity have been more funny, like walking around of the classroom or something like that to implement with children.

The next activity was developed by T Karla, who presented the game "Simon Says", T Karla said a number & Ss had to make groups according to the number that the teacher said. The Ss that was without a group, needed to pass to the board & match a picture with the corresponding spelling.

NOTE: I like the activity, but I don't know if all Ss understood the game, because they haven't explained the topic already.

T Nahomí presented a game where Ss should make groups of three, each group had a group of letter, T Nahomí said a name of sport and students had to create the name using each little paper, the group that had the name done, received a candy.
NOTE: This activitivy was son interesting because students could put into practice what they have learned.

T Karla presented the last activity that was a game call "Hot Potatoe", T Karla asked Ss to stand up & make a circle, T karla played the music while students had to pass a ball, the last student that had the ball when T Karla stoped the music, was going to be asked with the quetion "How do you spell bowling?" etc, with each student that had the ball when T stopped the music.
NOTE: It was so interesting for me, because I think that this game was really funny and entertained for Ss.


Teaching class by Teacher Giovanni & Teacher Hazel.

 This class was presented by T Hazel & T Giovanni, where the main topic was "Let's have a Party".
T Hazel began the class giving some hats to the students, Ss needed to decorate the hat and put it on their heads, then Ss were asked to answer between them, what was going to be the class. 

NOTE: I liked the activity because it was interesting not just for us, I think that for kids too. But I think that it was not really funny maybe because some instructions were not clear.

T Gio presented the presentation using a big chart that said "Let's have a Party", where T showed 7 flashcards with their corresponding name pasted on different balloons. T Gio presented 7 items of a party, asking students to repeat each name of the item twice.

 NOTE: The activity was amazing, I really like each item that T Gio presented, it was colorful & interesting for me.. I think that this activity can be very useful for students to adquire this topic and vocabulary.

T Hazel presented a chart pasted on the board with a conversation, she asked Ss to repeat twice the conversation after the T, but at the beginning she gave them an example, then T Haazel asked Ss to work in pairs to practice the converstation twice.
NOTE: This activity was so interesting since, Ss could follow the instruction of the T, & it was a good activity to develop with children that sometimes are shy.

T Giovanni presented an activity where Ss had to listen an audio twice, first to get familiar with the audio & the worksheet & then with the answer. T Gio gave them a worksheet with images, Ss should answer according with the audio & then write the number in each image according with the audio.
NOTE: It was a good activity where students can put into practice their listening comprehesion to can answer each question according with the audio.

T Hazel developed the last activity, T Hazel asked Ss to make two groups (lines), each group had a tool which they used to hit a object.
The activity was that T Hazel said an item of a party, for example: Plates, & Ss needed to run to the board & put the tool on the item that the teacher said, the first Ss that answer correctly got a point.
NOTE: Ss really enjoyed this activity because it was so interesting to develop in the classroom to internalize the vocabulary, recognize & put into practice. I think that this activity could be useful for kids who enjoyed a lot this activity.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015


Teaching class by Teacher Vanesa & Teacher Fatima

The purpose of this class was present 8 colors with a question that was What color is it?, to identify each spelling of the color. T Vanesa began with the warm-up that it was a dynamic where students had to choose a little paper in a bag and then they needed to look for an object with the corresponding color that the little paper said. If an student had an item with this color, they get a point.

NOTE: It was so interesting because in my oponion I enjoy looking for many objects with some colors that the charts presented. I think that this game can help children to recognize the colors and enjoy the moment.

The Presentation was presented by T Fatima who taught 8 different colors pasted on the board, she started to ask the students if they knew each colors, asking and pasting at the same time each color with different balloons.
 NOTE: The activity was very good for me, because she use diferent tools to present each colors, for example: Flashcards, Balloons, little charts etc.

 T Vanesa presented an activity where she showed 8 balloons pasted on the board, then she made pairs, each pair should take a little paper which had a color, the pairs needed to take one paper and run as fast as possible to the board to write the corresponding spelling of the color.

NOTE: I like the activity but maybe beacuse of the space we can not run easily to the board.

 T Fatima followed the class presenting the production where she gave students a worksheet, Ss had to write the spelling of each color presented class.

NOTE: With this worksheet we can recognize and internalize each spelling of the color.  

At the end T Vanesa asked Ss to stand up and make two lines, T Vanesa presented flashcards with color and the students needed to run and write the correct spelling of the color on the board, the first group that finished to write all the correct spelling of the colors get a point.
 NOTE: The activity was funny because we enjoy a lot the game, moreover this game could help us to remember each spelling of the colors.


Georgina Hernandez



This blog was created with the purpose to see the classes that will be given for the students of Teaching Practicum I ; this classes will be presented to the same classmates and will be evaluated by the teacher Orlando Gomez.

Each class will be given by pairs who will present a specific topic, pasting some flashcards, making some activities, singing songs etc.

I will comment each Teaching class, just to let you know what they have done in their class, if I have some grammar mistakes, please forgive me and let me know to improve my knowledge and grammar too since this can help me to be better. Moreover, you can give me your comments about my post, if you are agree or disagree.

Thanks for visit my blog,

I hope you can enjoy it.