lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015


Teaching class by Teacher Giovanni & Teacher Hazel.

 This class was presented by T Hazel & T Giovanni, where the main topic was "Let's have a Party".
T Hazel began the class giving some hats to the students, Ss needed to decorate the hat and put it on their heads, then Ss were asked to answer between them, what was going to be the class. 

NOTE: I liked the activity because it was interesting not just for us, I think that for kids too. But I think that it was not really funny maybe because some instructions were not clear.

T Gio presented the presentation using a big chart that said "Let's have a Party", where T showed 7 flashcards with their corresponding name pasted on different balloons. T Gio presented 7 items of a party, asking students to repeat each name of the item twice.

 NOTE: The activity was amazing, I really like each item that T Gio presented, it was colorful & interesting for me.. I think that this activity can be very useful for students to adquire this topic and vocabulary.

T Hazel presented a chart pasted on the board with a conversation, she asked Ss to repeat twice the conversation after the T, but at the beginning she gave them an example, then T Haazel asked Ss to work in pairs to practice the converstation twice.
NOTE: This activity was so interesting since, Ss could follow the instruction of the T, & it was a good activity to develop with children that sometimes are shy.

T Giovanni presented an activity where Ss had to listen an audio twice, first to get familiar with the audio & the worksheet & then with the answer. T Gio gave them a worksheet with images, Ss should answer according with the audio & then write the number in each image according with the audio.
NOTE: It was a good activity where students can put into practice their listening comprehesion to can answer each question according with the audio.

T Hazel developed the last activity, T Hazel asked Ss to make two groups (lines), each group had a tool which they used to hit a object.
The activity was that T Hazel said an item of a party, for example: Plates, & Ss needed to run to the board & put the tool on the item that the teacher said, the first Ss that answer correctly got a point.
NOTE: Ss really enjoyed this activity because it was so interesting to develop in the classroom to internalize the vocabulary, recognize & put into practice. I think that this activity could be useful for kids who enjoyed a lot this activity.

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