viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Extra Class: September 18th, 2015

The meeting began at 9:00 am, Teacher Orlando presented some questions about the Listening and Reading skills, students answer each questions with the teacher helps.

The purpose of this class was to prepare a PDP about Listening class, to started we needed to made a brainstorm about the word 'Bulling' after this, teacher played an audio where we were asked in groups of four, we needed to listen an audio and aswer a worksheet about 'Bullying', and to fill the blank some questions, after this teacher Orlando played a game where we needed to make a circle and pass to balls, this was to create some groups to work with.

 The second part of the class, Teacher Orlando played another game with students, the game was called Rabbits and Caves, students needed to made trios, when teacher said Rabbit the students who were in the middel of the others two classmates needed to run to choose another cave, if the teacher said Cave, the two studnets who had the cave needed to change the person and took their hands with other classmate. At the end of the game teacher made trios to work together, students had to sit together and Teacher Orlando gave them a worksheet, students needed to listen and answer according with the audio.

At the end Teacher Orlando played a song and students had to answer some exercise according with the audio, then Teacher Orlando asked students to compare their answer with a classmates and then with the teacher.

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