martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015


Wednesday August 19th, 2015.


 This activity started at 9:15am in the second floor of Department of Art & Culture in the Don Bosco University, where we were introduced by Teacher Orlando Gomez to the Teacher from Department of Art & Culture who began the activity telling us that we needed to take off our shoes to start making some activities.

First, the Teacher told us that we had to walk around the room, smiling & making some faces, after that the Teacher told us that we needed to create some faces like: wink, show our tongue & blow some kisses to our classmates.

Second, the Teacher said that we should stop and we needed to take sit on the floor, he gave us a sheet of paper & we should write 4 questions for example: Who I am? (Represented by an Object, an animal or something like that), How this class could help me in my life?, What circunstances could make me fail the practice? How can help others? 
This activity was intesting for me, because I realized about Who I am?
With this activity we needed to pass in front of our classmates & present a little bit about us, according with the 4 questions, all of us presented different animals & object that we thought that were related with us. To this actitivity the Teacher gave us a feedback about how we control our nervous & how our voice is listened by other.
NOTE: I really like this activity because it can help us to develop useful skills & to put into practice when we give the classes.

Moreover, the Teacher asked us to work in pairs, we had to talk about something & then we should start to separate little by little until we couldn't hear what the partner was talking about, this was to regualte our voice when we will be in the classroom.
  NOTE: In my opinion I like the actitivies that teacher made, although there was somethings that I don't like, maybe because I felt uncomfortable, this because the noise of the people that were there & many other factors.

At the end, we could enjoy all the activities that we made in the class, & it were so useful for us to implement in our classes with children etc.

1 comentario:

  1. I was not there but while i was reading your information I learn somethings that you practice there, thanks to your information I was able to understand some things and you helped me to wrotte down my information.
