Teaching class by Teacher Karla & Teacher Abigail.
This topic was presented by Teacher Karla & Teacher Abigail. The classed started with T karla who presented a game call "Puzzle", where students should create a figure of a Transportation in a puzzle, T Karla gave 2 puzzle to the students who tried to form the picures of each puzzl. When Ss finished T Karla gave some chocolates as gift.
NOTE: In my opinion, I really like this activity since, it was very entertained & also because it gave us an idea about was going to be the class.
Then Teacher presented the topic Transportation, where she pasted 6 different pictures of Transportation; First, she asked students if they knew the spelling of each transportation, then T Aby repeated twice each pictur, pasting the correct spelling according with the picture. Moreover, T Aby presented a question that was "How do you get to school"? she explained that we had to take a picture of Transportation & ask to another classmate the question "How do you get to school"? where the Ss was going to answer, for example: I get school by plane. Ss needed to do this twice.
NOTE: This activity was so good, maybe because the teacher explained very well the topic & also because the images were adapted to understand the topic, although in my opinion I couldn't understand at the beginning what we needed to do with the question and how we needed to answer according with the topic, because she forgot explain that.
T Karla presented a game where she created two lines of students, T Karla gave them a name of transportation & every time that Ss got a point they had to move a Transportation where was on the board represented with a street, also one student needed to run to the board & write the correct word as fast as possible, the winner got chocolates.
NOTE: This activity was interesting & funny for me, because Ss could adquire and recognized each Transportantion playing a game.
T Aby presented her last activity which was to make groups or pairs, each group had an envelope, which Ss had to open & take all the little flashcards & put it face down, one student needed to take one little flashcard & the partner should ask him or her How do you get to school, & the student who had taken the picture needed to answer; for example: I get to school by _________ according to the picture that he/she had. Each studnet needed to do it at least two times.
NOTE: The activity was useful & I think that was good for students to remember the names of Transportation.
At the end of the class, T Karla presented a worksheet where students needed to fill in the blank the corresponding spelling of each Transportation. When Ss finished, T karla gave them a feedback to verify if the spelling was correctly wrote on the blank.
NOTE: It was so intersting because with this activity, Ss could adquire & put into practice what they have learned in the class.